Our products
Starters & ripening cultures
Our dairy and vegan starter solutions
Vegan and lactic cultures are essential to the production of fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir and cheese, and their use has evolved from food preservation to creating delicacies. Therefore, we continuously research and develop ferments and technologies to meet your process and product needs.
Where to buy our products
Glengarry Cheesemaking is an official distributor of our products to our Canadian customers.
We have more than 300 dairy strains from thermophilic to yeast cultures
We offer a range of cultures for acidification, including mesophilic & thermophilic strains.
Our ripening cultures include Propionibacterium and Brevibacterium linens, often used to enhance flavor development and texture.
Our kefir cultures for acidification ensure stable and reproductible products, with options for CO2 production (C-FIR) and without CO2 production (B-FIR).
Probiotic supplement
We can enhance your label claims by offering probiotic supplements containing 10 different species, ensuring a comprehensive and effective solution for your product needs.
Our cultures offer a variety of textures and flavors for your products:
- Yo-Dolce for a firm texture
- Yo-Cult for a traditional taste
- Yo-Cult Pro for an extra health benefits.
Probiotic supplement
Yo-PRO is our probiotic supplement formulated with two strains optimized for stability during shelf-life, ensuring efficacy and potency until consumption.
Our vegan starters & cultures are used to ferment non-dairy milk alternatives, such as soy, almond and coconut milk
Non-Dairy cultures
Vegan Yogurt
Yo-V features vegan Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus strains, specially formulated to complement soy, coconut, oat, and other vegan yogurt fermentation processes.
Vegan Kefir
Our V-FIR solution is a blend of vegan Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus casei, and Lactobacillus plantarum strains specifically designed to seamlessly integrate into your kefir fermentation processes.
Probiotic supplement
V-Pro is a versatile probiotic supplement suitable for incorporation into your vegan yogurt or vegan kefir recipes.